Well Information:
Owner Name: |Well Name: |WRD ID: 200959 | SN: 4S/13W-12K01S | Type: PW | Use: OBS | Basin: CB
Well Construction
Year Constructed | Year Destroyed | Land Elevation | Reference Point | RP Elevation | Bore Depth | Total Depth | Bore Diameter | Casing Diameter |
| | 88.80 | C | 91.80 | | 1285 | | 16 |
Depth To Perf Top | Depth To Perf Bottom | Number of Perfs | Casing Type | Drill Method | Gravel Pack? | Sanitary Seal? | Data Source |
915 | 1000 | | | | No | No | |
Perfs and Aquifers
Aquifer | Aquifer Abbreviation | Formation | Series | System | TOI | BOI | Perf Len |
| | | | | | | |
Layer/Stratigraphic Unit | Depth to top of Layer (ft) | Depth to base of layer (ft) | Data Source |
| | | |